
Facial Cosmetic Surgery

As we age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure and the stress of everyday life are reflected in our face. Deep furrows form between the nose and mouth; cheeks sag; fat appears around the neck and wrinkles begin to appear. A full face and neck lift cannot halt this process, but it can stop our biological clock, improving the most visible signs of ageing by tightening the face muscles, removing excess fat and redistributing the skin around the face and neck.

Medical information

  • Ideal candidates

  • Planning surgery

  • The surgery procedure

  • Post-surgery

  • Risks

  • Results

Ideal facelift candidates are those whose face and neck are beginning to sag but whose skin still retains some elasticity. Most patients are aged between 40 and 60, but it can also be performed successfully into the 70s and 80s.

A facelift can make you look younger and boost your self-confidence, but it won’t give you a completely different look, nor can it restore your health or vitality.

A facelift can be performed alone or in conjunction with other procedures such as blepharoplasty or rhinoplasty. A forehead lift corrects drooping eyebrows and forehead wrinkles. If you are considering the possibility of a facelift, Dr Jordi Mir will assess your individual case and provide you with all the information you need about this surgery, when it is recommended, how it is performed and what results you can expect.

Excellent communication between you and your plastic surgeon is essential. In the first consultation, your face -including your skin and underlying bone structures- will be evaluated and surgical possibilities will be discussed. Your health will be checked, including any problems that may complicate surgery, such as high blood pressure, or any issues with clotting or scarring. It is important that your surgeon knows if you smoke or take any medications.

If you choose to have a facelift, we’ll talk you through all the techniques and type of anaesthesia to be used, where the surgery will be performed, the risks and the cost of the operation. Do not hesitate to ask Dr Mir any questions you may have, especially those related to your expectations and the results.

We will provide you with specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery, including guidelines on food and fluid intake, refraining from smoking or taking certain medications, and cleansing your face. It is important to stop smoking at least two months before surgery. If you have short hair short, we recommend you grow it a little before surgery to help conceal the scars while they heal.

We recommend that you follow our advice carefully to ensure the procedure is carried out under optimum conditions.

We also suggest you have a family member or friend take you home when you are discharged and if necessary, you have someone to help you out for a few days.

Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

The incisions are usually placed under the hair, in front of the ears and sometimes behind the ears. The face and neck tissues and muscles are separated in order to perform a lift effect.

Facelift surgery is always performed in the Clinic’s operating theatre, where the entire team will ensure that you receive the best possible care before, during and after your treatment.

It is generally advisable to stay at the clinic the first night after surgery, and to leave the day after.

Dr Mir uses general anaesthesia for facelift surgery. The procedure takes four hours.

The incisions begin at the temples, concealed by the hair, and extend along a natural line just in front of the ears, continuing behind the earlobe towards the back of the scalp. If work is required on the neck, a small incision is sometimes made behind the chin. The skin is usually separated from the underlying fat and muscles. Fat may be removed or liposuctioned around the neck and chin to improve the facial contour. The underlying muscles are then tightened and finally the skin is tightened and the excess skin is removed. Finally, the skin is sutured and a light bandage is applied.

In a forehead lift, the incision is made on the forehead, concealed behind the hair or in some cases, in the hairline on the forehead. The skin in this area is separated from its underlying structure and the muscles responsible for wrinkles and the excess skin are removed.

General anesthesia

Duration 4h
Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

Surgery rarely causes any significant discomfort; and if any, it is easily relieved with the prescribed medication (severe or persistent pain is rare and you should inform Dr Mir if this is the case). It is normal for certain areas of the skin to be numb but this sensation disappears in a few weeks or months. You should keep your head elevated for about seven days after surgery to reduce swelling. Bandages are removed between the first and fifth day after the facelift. You should not worry about a slightly swollen, bruised appearance for the first few days, and in just a few weeks your appearance will be normal. Most stitches are removed after 7-14 days.

Most facelift patients feel fine within two days, but you should rest for the first week. Take particular care of your face and hair, as they will be more sensitive for a while.

The main recommendations are to avoid strenuous activities for at least two weeks, avoid steam baths or saunas for several weeks and limit sun exposure for a few months.

Above all, rest to allow your body to use all its energy for optimum healing. At first, your face may look strange because of the swelling and your facial movements may seem a little sluggish. Some bruising may persist for two to three weeks, and you may get tired more easily. By the third week your appearance will be significantly improved. Most patients return to work by the fourth week after surgery. If necessary, you can apply make-up to conceal the bruising.

Admission 24h

Recuperation 4 weeks
Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

When a facelift is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon, complications are infrequent and minor.

However, everybody has different anatomy, physical reactions and healing abilities, so results can never be predicted precisely.

Certain complications can occur, such as more severe bruising, injury to the nerves that control the face muscles (this is almost always temporary), infection and reactions to anaesthesia. Healing problems are more common in smokers. Risks can be kept to a minimum by carefully following Dr Mir’s guidelines, both before and after surgery.

Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

Results from this procedure are very satisfactory, as long as you understand that they will not be immediately evident. Even after the swelling and bruising disappear, the hair around the temples may be thin and the skin may be somewhat dry and rough for a few months. Scars from a facelift will be hidden behind the hair and in the natural creases of the face; in any case, they will fade over time and become virtually invisible.

A facelift does not stop your biological clock. Your face will continue to age over time, however, the results are long-lasting and after several years you will still look younger.


Why Clínica Jordi Mir?

Results that give confidence in our patients

Expert plastic surgery trainer in Europe

15 years guarantee our professionalism

A great team is our secret

Investment in advanced techniques

Rigorous follow-up throughout the process

Continuous training with top global doctors




Our patient care team will inform you of our hours and will try to get you an appointment as soon as possible.
We are waiting for you at our plastic surgery clinic in Paseo de Gracia, 87 in Barcelona.

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