Jordi Mir Clinic

Your cosmetic surgery clinic. Feeling really good starts here.

Our clinic

At Clínica Jordi Mir, we pride ourselves on excellence, respect your confidentiality and privacy and offer our clients the highest degree of professionalism inherent to our work.

Come and visit us at our clinic and meet the whole team. We’d love to see you.
You’ll feel like our top priority, in a safe environment of utmost well-being.

The goal of our clinic to achieve perfection through any medical solution you choose. We are a team of professionals with one goal: to offer world-class excellence in cosmetic medicine and surgery in Barcelona.

Operating theatres

All our plastic surgery is performed at the Clínica Diagonal operating theatres located in Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona where state-of-the-art facilities and the highest level technology and comfort is at the service of our patients.

We work in a top class operating theatre with cutting-edge anaesthesia equipment,.

Located next to an ICU service for your total peace of mind.

Our operating theatre is laminar flow for minimal risk of infection.

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