Breast Reduction
Dr Mir is a renowned expert in breast surgery, breast augmentation and breast reduction.
Medical information
Ideal patients for a breast reduction surgery are healthy, emotionally stable individuals who understand the results that can be achieved with surgery.
In the first consultation, we’ll assess the size and shape of your breasts, the firmness of the skin and your general state of health. We will also perform a breast examination and in some cases a breast scan will be requested. Here we’ll discuss the size and shape we want to achieve. We’ll talk you through the different surgical techniques and the best options for you. We always like to clarify why we choose one technique over another for each individual.
Pre-operative examinations are required for these procedures. For all patients, it is also advisable to carry out a breast ultrasound or mammography prior to the operation.
What type of implants are used?
The most common procedure in breast reduction is not to use implants, but sometimes we do use them to obtain a greater filling in the upper part. We recommend high cohesive silicone gel implants. Dr Jordi Mir only uses top quality breast implants. These implants are guaranteed for life in case of rupture, and sometimes in case of capsular contracture. We fit either round, ergonomic or anatomical (drop-shaped) implants. Our philosophy is “we achieve beauty through naturalness”.
Why these implants?
We believe in, and are committed to quality. Not all cosmetic surgery products are the same. We are committed to cosmetic products backed by science and with proven efficacy. We will not consider anything other than the best product for our body.
The history, quality and reputation of the implant manufacturer are very important in terms of the experience in manufacturing breast implants and the guarantee they offer.
Worldwide trust in the product goes hand in hand with knowledge and experience in its use.
The operation will be performed in the clinic’s operating theatre where the entire team of doctors, nurses and healthcare workers will ensure that you receive excellent care before, during and after the procedure.
This surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and lasts for around two hours. An incision is made around the areola and an inverted T-shaped incision (from the areola to the submammary fold and in the submammary fold itself) in order to lift the breast and place the implant under the pectoral muscle (submuscular plane, according to the dual plane technique) or under the external fascia of the pectoral muscle (subfascial plane). Once complete, a bra is fitted. We do not perform drainage |
Patients are hospitalised for one day. We recommend that you keep your sports bra on 24 hours a day for the first 30 days. During the first week, we recommend that you keep your head slightly elevated in bed (three pillows). You should also sleep on your back for the first month. Normal activity without exertion can be resumed from the fourth to the seventh day, and with exertion from the second to third week, depending on each case. To ensure your well-being, during the first week we will recommend you take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. After seven days the stitch is removed from each breast area. Following this, it is important to take good care of the scars using pressotherapy and keeping the area well hydrated (this will be explained and attached). |
A breast reduction is a very safe procedure, provided it is performed by a qualified plastic surgeon.
Short-term complications are very rare and tend to be those typical of any surgery, such as bruising, infection, and changes in the sensitivity of the operated area.
In the long term, the most common complication is capsular contracture, which occurs when the internal scar that forms around the implant contracts excessively, causing the breast to stiffen. This currently occurs in about 1% of patients. This may require reshaping of the internal scar and/or implant replacement.
Breakage of a high-cohesive silicone gel implant is very rare. Should this occur, it will need to be replaced with a new implant.
As plastic surgeons, we pay great attention to all the factors that influence these potential complications and do everything in our power to prevent them. However, despite our best efforts, there is always the possibility that any of these could occur. Here is it important that patient and surgeon form a team and work together to obtain the best possible result under the circumstances.
With the correct analysis of each patient and their desires, the best quality implants and expert surgery techniques, results are very predictable, and patient’s expectations can easily be met with excellent results for each individual’s aesthetic goals.
Breast reduction is the cosmetic surgery with the highest rate of patient satisfaction.
Clínica Jordi Mir?
Results that give confidence in our patients
Expert plastic surgery trainer in Europe
15 years guarantee our professionalism
Our secret is a great team
We invest in the most advanced techniques
Experts in Lipovaser, Microaire and Renuvion in Barcelona
We rigorously monitor the entire process
Continuous training with the best world experts
We are waiting for you at our plastic surgery clinic in Paseo de Gracia, 87 in Barcelona.