Breast reconstruction

A renowned expert in breast surgery, breast augmentation and breast reduction.

Breast reconstruction following cancer is one of the safest and most rewarding surgical procedures in plastic surgery today. Significant developments in new techniques have enabled plastic surgeons to recreate the breast operated on to make it very similar in shape, texture and characteristics to the other. Additionally, in most cases it is possible to reconstruct the breast at the same time as the breast is removed, sparing the patient the experience of amputation.

Medical information

  • Ideal candidates

  • Planning surgery

  • The surgery procedure

  • Post-surgery

  • Risks

  • Results

Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

Almost all mastectomy patients can, from a medical point of view, be considered candidates for breast reconstruction, and most of them will be offered this at the time of their mastectomy. Optimal candidates are those whose tumour can be completely removed during the mastectomy.

When the breast is reconstructed at the same time as the mastectomy is performed (a technique known as immediate reconstruction), patients wake up from the operation with a normal breast contour, avoiding the experience of seeing their breast amputated. The psychological benefit of this technique is therefore significant.

Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

In some cases, however, reconstruction can or should be postponed (a technique known as delayed reconstruction). Some women do not feel comfortable talking about reconstruction while they are trying to adjust to the fact that they have been diagnosed with breast cancer; other women simply do not want more surgery than is strictly necessary to cure the disease. Other times, the use of more complex reconstructive techniques makes it advisable to delay reconstruction so as not to overextend the procedure. If there are any additional medical issues such as obesity or high blood pressure, it may also be necessary to delay reconstruction.

On the other hand, immediate reconstruction requires close collaboration between the mastectomy surgeon and the plastic surgeon, as the presence of both is necessary during the operation. This situation is not possible in hospitals where there are no plastic surgeons, so this would make it necessary to delay the reconstruction, which would be carried out in another clinic.

In either case, it is most important to have adequate and clear information about the possibilities of reconstruction before the procedure in order to face the operation in a more positive way.

Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

As soon as a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer, she should be informed about the possibilities of reconstruction. The members of the Breast Pathology Unit (general surgeon, oncologist, plastic surgeon, gynaecologist, radiologist, pathologist) should coordinate to develop a strategy that will lead to the best possible outcome.
Plastic surgeons are specialists trained in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery and therefore have the appropriate technical and aesthetic resources to reconstruct a breast with a natural appearance.
The operation will be performed in the clinic’s operating theatre where the clinic’s entire team of doctors and nurses will ensure that you receive excellent care before, during and after the procedure. You will generally be required to stay at the clinic for between one and four days depending on the surgical technique used.
General anesthesia

Duration 2 – 4 hours
Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

After assessing the patient’s general condition, Dr Jordi Mir will inform them of the most appropriate options for their age, health, physical and anatomical characteristics and future expectations.
24h admission

Recovery 7 days
Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

Almost all women who have undergone a mastectomy can opt for breast reconstruction. However, there are always certain risks women should be aware of before deciding on this procedure, which are inherent to any operation, such as bruising, pathological scarring or risks related to general anaesthetics which, although highly unlikely, do exist. Additionally, smokers should be aware that smoking can cause scarring problems and a longer recovery period.

Tratamientos clínica estética Jordi Mir

  • To recreate a natural looking breast, including the areola and nipple.
  • To make external prostheses unnecessary and enable women to lead a normal life and wear certain clothing that would not be possible without reconstruction (swimming costumes, tops showing a cleavage, etc.).
  • To fill the gap and deformity that may remain in the thorax.
  • To restore the body image and improve the patient’s quality of life. Breast reconstruction is definitive and will allow patients to lead a completely normal life.

For the vast majority of women with breast cancer, breast reconstruction improves self-image, facilitating greater emotional stability, and enables them to cope more positively with the disease and lead a more active social and sexual life.


Why Clínica Jordi Mir?

Results that give confidence in our patients

Expert plastic surgery trainer in Europe

15 years guarantee our professionalism

A great team is our secret

Investment in advanced techniques

Rigorous follow-up throughout the process

Continuous training with top global doctors




Our patient care team will inform you of our hours and will try to get you an appointment as soon as possible.
We are waiting for you at our plastic surgery clinic in Paseo de Gracia, 87 in Barcelona.

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    Where are we?

    Clínica de Lipo Vaser en Barcelona
    Jordi Mir | Cirujano Plástico
    Passeig de Gràcia, 87, Planta 6.

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